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【Eliminate Bad Begetting, Dispel Disasters and Eliminate Obstacles Fire Offering Mantra Wheel】

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Eliminate Bad Begetting, Dispel Disasters and Eliminate Obstacles Mantra Wheel

Model no.: SLH-JTZ/W

It is composed of Vajrasattuo hundred-character mantra wheel, Padmasambhava's obstacle-removing mantra wheel and Puba Vajra mantra wheel.

Burning this mantra wheel for eliminating bad begetting, eliminating disasters and eliminating obstacles can eliminate the sickness of the four elements, namely earth, water, fire and wind, purify the epidemic.  It can blocks the ill fortune due to affront with the constellations of stars, tame enemies, treat insomnia, wake up the mind, pray for longevity, and be reborn in a pure land, etc. In this current life, one can obtain the eight virtues, namely: auspiciousness, wishful thinking, longevity, disease-free, power, influence, wealth, fame, etc. As well as can obtain twenty-one kinds of merits and benefits.

1. Blocking evil spells and curses from evil masters; 2. Blocking the obstacles of stars and constellations (which can cause stroke and other diseases); 3. Blocking large and small demonic obstacles; 4. Blocking earthquakes, water winds, and fires; 5. Blocking premature death 6. To prevent the obstacle of the soul being lost; 7. To prevent the disaster of unprovoked official charms; 8. To prevent the arguement; 9. To prevent the disaster of foreign invasion; 11. Prevent the spread of diseases and plagues; 12. Prevent the occurrence of wars and disasters; 13. Prevent various disasters of crops; 14. Prevent the disaster of thieves and robbing of wealth; 16. Prevent obstacles such as spirits and ghosts; 17. Prevent disasters caused by feng shui in ancestral graves; 18. Prevent disasters caused by fleeting Tai Sui; 19. Avoid physical and mental pain and troubles; 20. Avoid career changes and unstable career ; 21. Block poisonous disasters and so on.

1. After cultivates any teaching, burn these puja papers, with its (1) relying on power; (2) eliminating power; (3) countering and pervasive power; (4) removing bad begetting with four powers, leads to calm mind, to stop all evil thoughts from increasing, to destroy all afflictions, and to grow immeasurable and boundless blessings and wisdom.

2. Every day or on the tenth day of the first month, burn these mantra wheel puja papers to avoid illness and avoid disasters. Night dreams are auspicious. Anyone who wants to avoid evil spirits in the stars, weddings and funerals, unlucky times, and travel safety, etc., will be able to fulfill their wishes.

3. After practicing the Dharma every day or at dusk,burn these puja papers,  various Buddhist tasks can be completed, tame the celestial dragons, ghosts and rakshasas, and destroy evil spirits, etc.

4. It can also be folded and carried along for protection.

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